Rhythmic World
"Entering into harmonic relationships
is the goal not only of music. It is the goal of atoms
and molecules, of planetary orbits, of cells and hearts,
of brain waves and movements, of flocks of birds and schools
of fish and-in principle-of human beings. All of them
(or better: the cosmos, the entire creation) have harmony
as their final goal. - Joachim-Ernst Berendt, The World is Sound |
"A stone is frozen music." |
"Rhythmic patterns appear throughout
the universe, from the very small to the very large. Atoms
are patterns of probability waves, molecules are vibrating
structures, and living organisms manifest multiple, interdependent
patterns of fluctuations." - Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics |
"The answer to the ancient question,
'What is matter?' is simply that matter consists of particles
that are different nodes of vibration of the string, such
as the note G or F. The 'Music' created by the string
is matter itself." - Michio Kaku, Physicist |
Reading List
The World is Sound, Joachim-Ernst Berendt; Destiny Books |
Articles by other contributors |