TR10, Winds of the Heart Mp3

Track 10 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm The flute that inspired this tune was crafted by Ken Light of Amon…

TR 9, Merengue/Bell Heaven Mp3

Track 9 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm Based on a merengue rhythm from the Dominican Republic, this unique four-part arrangement…

TR 8, Goatskin Hip Hop Mp3

Track 8 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm Thanks to Dick Ostheimer for the name and all the shared "goatskin jams"…

TR 7, Sirius Mp3

Track 7 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm Inspiration for this piece comes from the rhythms of the Dogon people in…

TR 6, Clave' Cafe' Mp3

Track 6 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm This tune originated as an improvisation of percussive and vocal textures in the…

TR 5, Ode To Hamza Mp3

Track 5 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm John and Souheir Rawlings, relatives of Hamza El Din living in Whitefish, Montana,…

TR 4, Gratitude Mp3

Track 4 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm The energy and knowledge we've cultivated from studying with gifted musicians and friends…

TR 3, Humanah Mp3

Track 3 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm The opening ambience was recorded with two stereo tracks in two passes. Michael…

TR 2, Continental Drift Mp3

Track 2 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm Listening to the earthy-voiced drone of the didgeridoo, we think of our Australian…

TR 1, Power of Rhythm Mp3

Track 1 from Drum Brothers, Power of Rhythm. This song celebrates the joy and community we've found on our ongoing journey…

TR8, Woloso Mp3

Track 8 from the Grooves CD, by Matthew Marsolek 8 woloso (traditional, Mali)
Woloso, the rhythm of the slaves, is also…

TR7, Mother Rhythm/Mane Mp3

Track 7 from the Grooves CD, by Matthew Marsolek 7 Mother Rhythm / Mane (traditional, Guinea)
It gives me great joy…

TR6, For All Beings Mp3

Track 6 from the Grooves CD, by Matthew Marsolek 6 For all Beings
I composed this piece for the finale celebration…

TR5, Longbell Trance Mp3

Track 5 from the Grooves CD, by Matthew Marsolek 5 Longbell Trance
Found around the globe in the music of many…

TR4, Tansole/Keta-soli Mp3

Track 4 from the Grooves CD, by Matthew Marsolek 4 Tansole / Keta Soli (traditional, Mali)
Tansole is a Bambara celebration…

TR3, Arlee Mp3

Track 3 from the Grooves CD, by Matthew Marsolek 3 arlee
This rhythm is named for the small village north of…

TR2, Summer Groove Mp3

Track 2 from the Grooves CD by Matthew Marsolek 2 summer groove
I wrote this rhythm in the summer of 1999…

TR1, Sorsonet Mp3

Track 1 from the Grooves CD by Matthew Marsolek 1 sorsonet (traditional, Guinea)
From the Baga people of West Guinea, Sorsonet…

TR14, February Mp3

Track 14 from Drum Brothers, Remember. 14 February
This piece was created as an improvisation late one February night in 2001. Michael…

TR13, Remember Mp3

Track 13 from Drum Brothers, Remember. 13 Remember
The music calls us again and again to be as present as we can…

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