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Saturn Return CD
-Nathan Zavalney's New Release!!- (October 2005)

A collection of original instrumental soundscapes that combine hypnotic desert rhythms with flowing melodies and improvisations.

This solo CD release by multi-instrumentalist Drum Brothers member Nathan Zavalney, with guest musicians Lawrence Duncan and Michael Marsolek of Drum Brothers, and Beth Youngblood of Mandir, layers Middle Eastern drums with guitar, flute, didgeridoo, soprano saxophone, duduk, and violin to create music that is soothing and evocative.

The music of Saturn Return was used as the soundtrack of the 2005 Gypsy Spirit instructional DVD, “Kelli Marie Presents Belly Dance for Fitness and Health,” and uses a variety of tempos, rhythms, styles, and arrangements that are well suited for accompaniment of belly dance classes, dance improvisation, and performance choreography.

1. Shiva Melody 4:17 - Click here to listen to a sample
2. Dream Sequence 6:12
3. Trance Figure 3:36 - Click here to listen to a sample
4. Saturn Return 3:55
5. Night Driving 5:50
6. Migration 7:06 - Click here to listen to a sample
7. Terra Firma 3:55
8. Romanian Hora 3:35
9. Lions on the Savannah 6:13
10. Shiva Melody Remix 3:55

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